5 Awning Color Schemes for Your Salt Lake City Business

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Awnings are more than just decorations-they are a great way to make your building stand out and take its place among the most affluent businesses in Salt Lake City. Additionally, they add character, creativity, and spice to otherwise plain buildings. If you want your business to succeed in today’s industry, awnings could be exactly what you need to send your success over the top. If you’re not sure what colors or patterns to use, take into consideration your business’ goals, target audience, and personality. Below are five color scheme ideas to consider for your awnings.

Red and Gold

Want to look professional, enticing, and unique? A red and gold awning color scheme is the way to go. The color red is infamous for its ability to attract, and even symbolizes good luck in some cultures. Although effective on its own, the color red performs even better when paired with elegant colors such as brown or gold, taking on a mature look that will draw in passersby like magnets. So if your building is lacking a bit of character and appeal, install red and gold awnings to bring it back.

Blue and White

The color blue is associated with perfection and honesty, and so is this awning color scheme. Blue is easy to match with any other color and can easily be paired with other colors to make the perfect combination for your building. When paired with white stripes or other patterns, blue awnings take on a majestic and even royal feel that will make your business more appealing to those passing by.

Green and Silver

Green is a very versatile color that can easily be complemented by many other hues. When paired with refined colors such as silver or black, it provides a sense of balance and beauty. If you’d like to go for a more earthy feel, swap out your awning’s silver stripes and designs for brown ones. Green-themed awnings are a great way to make your building a little more vibrant and a lot more attractive.

Black and White

Black is a classic–you simply can’t go wrong with black awnings. Black awnings are a great way to add a sense of mystery and power to your business. When paired with white stripes, polka-dots, or other designs, black awnings take on these unique characteristics to become even more impressive. This is because black shades are darker and therefore bolder, ultimately drawing the attention of pedestrians to your building.

Purple and Yellow

The combination of purple and yellow creates a color scheme that matches the sky at sunset. While this combination may feel unnatural on its own, it works wonderfully as an awning color scheme in order to make your building stand out from the city’s other buildings, taking on the beauty and majesty of the sky.

Sharp’s Tarps provides tarps and awnings in Salt Lake City.


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