The Importance of Human Resources

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What is the importance of human resources?

The concept of human resources was used for the first time in the sixties, when images and terms such as selection assessments, organizational behavior, and motivation appeared in various work environments and when relationships at work began to increase in attracting attention. The concept of human resources was used to describe Employees of organizations, companies, or departments responsible for managing personnel matters. They are all of the most valuable resources in organizations and companies and to ensure best- in-class stewardship in HR, most turn to

Interview and Recruitment to focus more on the participation of management, employees, and all different groups in institutions or companies. Human resources are considered the heart of institutions and companies, where attention to employees and meeting their basic needs is the task of human resources.

 It has developed and increased its interest according to the changes around it. Most companies need to give more value to human resources in their system, which does not help the role and work of human resources in the company or the institution in raising the level of presence and development in the market. Still, it also improves the final result of the institution or the company in a positive way. Resources seek to achieve a set of goals, which in turn are also the goals of the organization:

  1. Achieving the highest possible productive efficiency by planning the organization’s human resource needs in quantity and quality. Using scientific methods in general and mathematical methods in particular.
  2. Working to increase the performance level of the human element by paying attention to improving the ability of individuals to work and increasing their desire to perform by developing their ability through training and providing an appropriate work environment, both physically and psychologically.
  3. Creative advice, guidance, and advice about their work, to keep them informed of all policies that impact the activities of their labor management.
  4. Following standards and ethical methods at work, moral relations at work, and social relations.
  5. Assistance in developing appropriate solutions to all labor problems. The pursuit of achieving a good performance equation, which is ability and desire, as the increase in knowledge is represented in the training and development programs for employees, or the rise in desire is represented in incentive systems and health and safety programs, as well as lack of excellence in values, desires, and aspirations of workers.

 HR Departments

  • Employment Department
  • Reception
  • Relations Department.
  • Development and Training Department.
  • Benefits and Rewards section.

The Importance of Human Resource Management

  • Organizing: It includes organizing the functional authorities and responsibilities and ensuring straightforward communication between employees and management.
  • Audit and review: where current employee performance is evaluated, strengths and weaknesses are identified, and powers are strengthened.
  • Planning: It predicts the organization’s requirements and needs to fill new vacancies and determines whether it needs new management programs.
  • Rewards and incentivesAn incentive plan is developed for employees to increase employee loyalty by rewarding them and enhancing their sense of security.
  • Employment: This is done by accurately describing the required job and its requirements.
  • Follow-up of employees: The Human Resources Department’s responsibility is to follow up on employees and daily departments according to their needs.

Human Resource Planning Goals

Human resources planning contribute to designing and rationalizing policies and programs for recruitment and selection, planning and developing career paths, training, and transportation, through which labor needs in the organization can be determined, and the estimated budget for jobs prepared. The following is a summary of the most important objectives of human resource planning:

  • They determine the organization’s requirements in terms of the jobs needed and the amount of labor required for each job.
  • We are ensuring that a reasonable basis is provided for the best and most effective use of human resources to achieve the objectives of each organization.
  • It assists in designing, planning, and strengthening personnel policies and forming a satisfied and productive workforce, such as the selection and appointment policy, training policy, promotion policy, and performance evaluation policy.
  • They are allowing the management to identify training needs for new employees who are forecast to be needed or candidates for transfer and promotion.
  • Ensure that a balance is achieved between the supply and demand of human resources at a level in line with the organization’s needs.
  • Develop plans and programs to manage human needs to meet the rates of retirement, transfer, and promotion.
  • We are achieving a sectorial balance in employment between the sectors of activity in the organization, meaning the ratio of the number of workers in the various sectors of the organization, which contributes to the fair distribution of the workload in general.


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