Essential Elements of Pre-employment Background Checks

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It’s so much easier to not hire a candidate than it is to fire a bad employee. This reason alone can justify the time and expense of running background checks on new hires before onboarding them to your organization. A reliable background check includes these essential elements: 

Are they Qualified?

Background screeners look at the following to verify that a candidate is qualified for the position:

Employment History Verification

On-the-job experience is often a critical component of being qualified for a position. Screeners will verify that the candidate has held the positions they claim for the dates they claim and uncover if there’s anything in their past experience that raises red flags. 

Education Verification

Fudging education is all too common on resumes. Background screeners contact the schools the candidate attended to verify they completed their programs and received the degrees they claim. 

Credential Verification

Many industries have additional qualifications and credentials that are essential. Doctors and nurses must be licensed, teachers need certificates, and many other professionals have their own credentialing programs as well. If a candidate claims a professional credential, the background check agent will confirm. 

Check References

Reaching out to people who know the candidate will help corroborate that the information provided on the application and resume is correct and the individual is who they represent themselves to be. 

Are they Safe?

Workplace safety is a serious concern. Violence, fraud, and substance abuse related accidents cost organizations millions of dollars annually. Background screens evaluate safety in the following ways:

Criminal Records Checks

Knowing if a potential employee has a history of criminal behavior is critical. This information does not necessarily mean hiring opportunities should be denied, but info about criminal acts needs to be discussed prior to hiring. Employers, with the help of skilled screeners, evaluate criminal records to determine if the candidate poses a risk to the organization. 

Credit Checks

For some positions, especially those that involve direct, unsupervised contact with cash or other fungible company assets, a credit check is relevant. Individuals with poor credit or a history of heavy debt and irregular payments may be too high of a risk in such roles.

Motor Vehicle Checks

If driving is part of the employment, driving history and motor vehicle reports are critical and probably legally required. But a motor vehicle reports can also review important information for any position, including a pattern of impaired driving or disregard for the law. 

No Two Checks are Ever the Same

People are unique, and so are their background checks. Including these essential elements will help you get reliable results every time.

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