Tips for Successfully Running a Remote Workforce

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Technology Eases Transition for New Remote Workers

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to adopt a remote working model on a full-time basis. While many business leaders were initially concerned about the effects a swift move to remote working would have on productivity, connectivity, and output quality, these concerns were quickly found to be misplaced. Business leaders have realized that far from being a hindrance, remote working can actually increase productivity and operational efficiency. As a result, many businesses are now looking to continue with a full-time remote working model.

As the remote working model is set to be a mainstay for future business operations, managers need to learn how best to support their staff. Learning how to successfully run a remote workforce will enable managers to excel in this new business environment. Here are some useful tips.

  1. Use Managed IT Services

Although remote working has brought many benefits to businesses, it has also come with one striking negative, a rise in cyber-attacks. This is because employees working from home have fewer cybersecurity measures than are common in the office. This means that remote workers are leaving themselves and your business vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Business owners and managers should look to utilize managed IT services going forward. This will ensure that your business remains protected against cybersecurity threats, human error, and natural damages.

  1. Work on Communication

Communication is the most important aspect of running any team, and this fact does not become any less true in the case of a remote workplace. Managers need to work extra hard to ensure that they are keeping high standards of communication with their remote workforce.

You should set yourself specific requirements to make sure that you maintain high standards of communication. For example, you should aim to have a one-to-one conversation with every member of your team at least once a week. You should also hold regular meetings with all team members to ensure everyone remains connected.

It is useful to choose a communication software that will facilitate all forms of written, verbal, and video communications. Using one software for all of your communication needs will help keep everything simple and efficient.

  1. Be Mindful of Employee Needs

It is vital that,just because you are physically distant from your employees, you do not forget to treat them as individuals. While some employees might thrive in a remote working environment, others might struggle. Some people find the lack of regular socialinteractions particularly difficult when working remotely. Therefore, you should try to stay mindful of employee wellbeing when you are managing a remote team.

Employee wellbeing is very important, as it can affect everything from staff turnover rates to internal productivity. You should actively listen to employees, check in on them regularly, and be flexible to their needs and circumstances. If an employee prefers a certain working schedule you should see if you can facilitate this within the broader context of your business. If employees are struggling you might want to consider holding more regular meetings, or perhaps organizing a virtual social event for staff in order to encourage feelings of inclusion and connectivity.

internal penetration testing

Infographic provided by Halock Security Labs, an internal penetration testing company

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