A Review of Child Custody Arrangements

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In a divorce case, child custody arrangements must be set up. In the arrangements, the parents determine where the child will live the majority of the time. They will also set up a visitation schedule for the child. If the parents cannot agree on the arrangement, they may need court intervention.

Joint Custody Arrangements

Joint custody arrangements give both parents the opportunity to make decisions about their child. They will decide together where the child attends school, goes to church, and how the child is raised. They will share time with the child according to their parenting plan. Typically, in these arrangements, the child stays with one parent most of the time, and they have visitation with the noncustodial parent. The noncustodial parent will also pay child support to their former spouse.

Sole Child Custody

Sole child custody means one parent makes all decisions for the child, and the other parent will have supervised visitations. Supervised visitation requires a court officer or a trusted family member to monitor the child when he or she is visiting with the noncustodial parent.

Typically, extreme circumstances must occur for a parent to get sole custody. For example, if the child is endangered by the other parent due to addiction, criminal activities, or child abuse, the opposing parent could get sole custody.

What is Primary Custody?

Primary custody indicates what parent has the child the majority of the time. It doesn’t mean that the parent has full control over the child or that they can refuse visitation. Only in a sole child custody arrangement can visitation be refused, and it must be based on a petition that has been filed through the court.

Typically, the parent that has primary custody manages the child’s life most of the time and is listed as the primary parent on school records or medical records. This parent will not pay child support. Petitioners who want to find out more about child custody arrangements start by visiting http://www.wagonerattorneys.net/wagoner-county-family-lawyers/parental-preference-for-wagoner-child-custody now.

Are Child Custody Orders Enforced?

If a parent refuses access to the child during the other parent’s visitation time, the parent can contact law enforcement and file a report. If the opposing parent continues to refuse visitation with the child, the former spouse can file a petition through the court.

A refusal to give the other parents access to the children during their court-appointed visitation time is a violation of a court order. A continued trend of violations could lead to changes in the child custody arrangements by the court, and the parent that violates the order could face jail time and fees. However, if the refusal is based on a danger to the child, the parent must complete a report with local law enforcement and present the report to the court.

In a divorce case, parents must come to an agreement about child custody and support. If they cannot reach an agreement during their divorce case, the court may schedule a separate custody hearing. If the parents cannot agree, the court will decide for them. Petitioners who need help with child custody start by contacting an attorney for more information now.

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