E-commerce SEO: How to stand out in a competitive market?

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E-commerce has been a force to be reckoned with since 2008, when it began to spread its wings. And in 2022, there will be no more prominent marketing force than e-Commerce SEO.

The market is now worth billions of dollars which means opportunity for those who position themselves correctly in the market.

To break things down to someone who isn’t an expert in this field, visibility equals success.

Google drives enormous traffic to websites and creates convertible leads, so naturally, you want to be on the right side of this trend.

So e-Commerce SEO will be a significant factor in business success in 2022.

In this article, I will advise you on outranking your competition.

Remember, many of your competitors may have pulled back on their marketing budgets during COVID-19, so before they get back up to speed, here is your opportunity to jump ahead and stay ahead.

SEO agencies are on the lookout for new clients, and now is the ideal time to get good deals at a reasonable price. Before we get too deep, though, I need to engage you because this requires continual work. Organic SEO needs time and effort and nothing less, so if you do not have the time or staff, look towards local SEO services for help.

Let’s start with:

Site Structure

The saying goes, ‘Let’s start at the top and work our way down’.

Unbeknown to many, a site structure is integral to the user’s experience (UX), which plays a significant role in today’s SERPs rankings.

Getting this right will set you up for success. Over complicating is a common mistake, so if a user has to click too many links, this can be detrimental, which is different from a non-e-Commerce site that wants a user to do exactly that.

The easier it is for Google’s crawlers to index your site and product pages, the higher you will rank.

If you are using SEO services, bring this up as part of the initial interview process.

Keyword Research

Although there are now more ways to get your ranking higher than just keywords, it still forms the foundation for your success or failure.

Google Keyword Planner is an excellent way to start.

Another way if you want to think outside the box is to use Amazon, which accounts for most of the world’s e-Commerce sales. If you use Amazon suggest, you can type in a keyword and see what pops up. 

Amazon will literally give you what you are looking for to base your SEO strategy around.

Once you have done this, there is no harm in using Ahref’s Keyword Explorer to get more detailed information.

Optimise your Product Pages

So now we look at optimising the keywords you have chosen and getting them incorporated into the product pages.

Again this can be done using basic SEO principles on a blog.

Look to create a shot and decisive URL incorporating your main target keyword.


H1 Tag

You may know that header tags, especially H1’s, are significant in digital marketing.

Naturally, you would want to ensure your target keyword is in the H1 tag for your main product page.

Product Descriptions

To excel at e-Commerce SEO, you need a well-thought-out copy for each product you sell to get you ahead.

But you will be surprised when I tell you that many e-Commerce stores and sites don’t spend time or money on this. They tend to duplicate the same information and images from the manufacturer’s website.

So here lies your opportunity to get ahead!

To elevate your overall e-Commerce SEO featuring strong target keywords will work.

You can elevate your overall SEO by creating robust product descriptions featuring target keywords.

Making sure both Google and the user clearly understands your product message and what your page is about is the key.

There is no magic wand for product descriptions of length that work perfectly, so it is down to doing research and judgment to enhance your profile.

There isn’t an ideal length for product descriptions that works 100 per cent of the time. But a direct product description will help your progress.

Optimising Images

Image optimisation has two main components.

Firstly you want to have in the file name your target keyword.

Example: – ‘nike_mens_trainers.jpg’

The second is to ensure you target your prime keyword in your alt text.

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are Goldust; engagement is everything.

Immensely simply, they help you build trust online, which allows your brand’s credibility.

First, they help you build trust with online shoppers and increase your brand’s credibility.

Once new users and viewers see that you actually connect with other users’ comments and reviews, they know they are not talking to a machine but a natural person, which is such a feel-good factor for a potential client.

Internal Link Building

Internal links are a valuable asset as Google now use them as a ranking factor and should be used both on your site and your blog.

Ensure you consult with whoever is helping you with SEO services to see where these opportunities lie. 

If you link between your product pages and your authoritative pages, this will speed up the process.

Make sure you use keyword-rich anchor text where an SEO tool like SEMrush could help.


The first spet is not to get overwhelmed by e-Commerce SEO. There are good companies out there and plenty of free tools to use so you can make 2022 a success. Remember, more people are using the internet than ever before. The global pandemic has changed many people’s way of thinking, and e-Commerce is thriving, so follow these basic steps and links, and I’m sure you will succeed in 2022. Good luck. 

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